Very chase-scene esque. I picture a police chase, a helicopter, w.e. Great use of the choir effect. Haunting, and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Very chase-scene esque. I picture a police chase, a helicopter, w.e. Great use of the choir effect. Haunting, and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Forget Flash...
You need to be writing for games, movies, everything! Great job putting this one together. I particularly enjoy the hip-hop breakbeat feel. Any time you want to post something new, I'll be listening.
k then...
I can imagine this on the muppet show lol... Just sounds sounds like something 10 puppets could make hilarious. Anyway, this is aight, but the singing is out of tune.
Keep it up!
Yeah, I was forcing a half-falsetto. I can't sing well normally lol, but when I tried it in my normal voice it just blended too much with the 'bass'.
Thanks for the criticism, I'll work on my tuning :)
Pretty Hot.
I agree though, the bass is too loud. I'm listening on a pair of bose companion 2's with a huge sub, and the house is vibrating lol. Great job!
This remix isn't professional, or top quality. But it does inspire me. Thank you for keeping this classic melody alive in today's techno.
This is cool.
Heavy metal, but still retaining a more classic rock feel. Nice track overall, but I'd like the lead guitar to be a little less fuzzy, and more pronounced.
Cheers for the comment, youre spot on with the fuzziness...Im chalking it down to using an acoustic as the lead and also not really knowing what the hell to do with this style of guitar playing. Tips are always appreciated, Ill have a go EQing a bit differently and maybe trying a different distortion.
Kinda Bland
Your bass is pretty nice, but the textures in the song need to be fatter and richer. Right now you have a bangin beat + bass with subdued synths. Just doesn't sound right.
Yah I made this song in a day so I hate to say it but it wasn't completely digitally remastered.
Great Start!
Please finish the song, what you have is great! Nice beats, synths and pads. Great quality!
Thank you :D
Another Hit.
You have a knack for turning classic tunes into club bangers. Dance on, my friends, dance on! 10/10, 5/5.
Joined on 1/27/08